Znamy się na tym fachu i serio lubimy tę robotę. Dobra energia w drużynie, otwarte głowy i nowatorskie podejście dają atmosferę radości, która pozwala nam wychodzić daleko ponad oczekiwania.
For us, a good User Experience is first and foremost:
-- Using user psychology - experienced in various projects, we understand how people use websites and applications, what they think and how to serve them motivators for particular actions.
-- Useful - is there anything more annoying than an application or website we can't use?
-- Tested! - unfortunately, despite expertise, no User Experience designer is an omen - we can't predict exactly how a user will behave in a clash with an application or site.So let's use tools together to base your product on facts - usability tests, surveys or simply conversations with your users. This drastically reduces the risks of the project, and allows you to increase its quality.
Cooperation is certainly worth starting with an initial consultation. When we understand the project more thoroughly, we will be able to price it and provide an accurate prize offer.
Having an accurate prize offer, you can confidently decide on cooperation or start with a 300$ design sample to make sure that we are the right agency for you.
The first consultation is a no-obligation conversation about your project and your situation. Using expert knowledge, we will advise you on what to pay attention to in your project and together we will understand if we can help each other.
The conversation lasts about 25 minutes.
We use a number of tools that ultimately allow us to prepare a great product, and we also offer them as services:
-- Usability testing
-- UX audits
-- Conversion optimization
-- Website development using Wordpress or Webflow
-- Full redesigns
-- User research based on in-depth interviews, surveys and other methods
-- IT project management
Jedynie w wyjątkowych okolicznościach - jedną z nich jest chociażby to, że pomożesz nam w zrozumieniu naszych klientów.
Stale chcemy poszerzać wiedzę na temat sytuacji naszych klientów, ponieważ to po prostu pomaga nam w oferowaniu lepszych usług.
Wypełnij tę ankietę, a otrzymasz 13% rabatu na projekt z nami.